It is imperative that a person who has sustained a head injury get medical attention in order to rule out the possibility of more severe damage to the brain or the skull. Brain injuries, particularly when they are not treated, can cause more harm to the body, and in certain instances, they can even be deadly.
If you have recently been involved in an accident, had a fall, or experienced any other type of traumatic blow to the head, pay close attention to the symptoms that follow.
Each year, traumatic brain injuries affect about 2 million individuals in the United States[1]. It is in your best interest to seek medical assistance if you are unable to promptly resume your usual activities.
Brain Bleeds 101
It is possible for a brain bleed or brain hemorrhage to take place wholly within the brain tissue, or it may take place within the skull but not within the brain itself. An epidural bleed, a subdural bleed, or a subarachnoid bleed refers to a brain hemorrhage that takes place outside the brain tissue. The term varies depending on where the blood is coming from in the body.
A hemorrhage that occurs within the brain tissue itself is known as an intracerebral hemorrhage or an intraventricular hemorrhage. A hemorrhage is said to be intracerebral if it takes place inside the cerebellum of the brain, whereas an intraventricular hemorrhage takes place within the ventricles of the brain.
Understand that a bleed on the brain, no matter where it is located or how it is classified, is a dangerous condition that requires prompt medical attention.
What Changes Take Place in the Brain When it Suffers a Blood Loss?
When a bleed occurs in the brain, it prevents oxygen from reaching certain areas of the brain. It takes as little as three or four minutes for this to result in the death of brain cells. There is no way to bring back a brain cell after it has died.
A shortage of oxygen can also cause irreversible harm to the nerve cells in the surrounding area, as well as the processes that are controlled by those nerve cells. Because of this injury, the victim may have permanent physical and mental impairments that cannot be remedied.
What Types of Symptoms Can You Expect from a Brain Bleed?
A brain bleed can manifest itself in a variety of different ways. In the event that a person has suffered a head injury and displays any of the following symptoms, it is strongly recommended that they seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Some symptoms may be more noticeable than others depending on the degree of the head trauma that was received.
How are Brain Bleeds Diagnosed?
After the patient has been transported to the hospital or an urgent care center, a physician can make a diagnosis of a brain bleed by using specialized equipment.
They will most likely begin by inquiring about the event and assessing any obvious symptoms that may have occurred. In the following step, a CT scan, MRI, or MRA will be performed in order to identify the location and severity of a brain bleed.
A brain bleed may be further diagnosed with further tests such as an electroencephalogram, X-ray, CBC count, spinal tap, or angiography, depending on the individual circumstances. Each of these tests provides the medical staff with information that assists them in better understanding the brain bleed and deciding how best to treat it.
What are the Treatments for a Brain Bleed?
The severity of a brain bleed will determine the type of therapy that is administered. Surgery can be necessary in cases of severe bleeding in the brain to relieve the pressure that is caused by the presence of extra blood on the brain.
Anti-anxiety or anti-epileptic medication may be necessary in cases with brain bleeds that are not as severe in order to maintain blood pressure management and lower the risk of seizures.
Patients who require surgery to address a bleed in the brain typically need to undergo rehabilitative treatment after the procedure. Adjustments to one's lifestyle, such as going to physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, as well as making these adjustments, can help lower the risk of recurrent brain bleeds.
Call the Jacksonville Brain Injury Attorneys Today!
If you or a loved one has been a victim of a brain injury, it is highly recommended that you seek the counsel of an accomplished brain injury attorney.
The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of combined legal experience fighting for victims like you. Our expert legal team can help you along this complicated and intricate process.
Please do not go through this process alone.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive negligent security attorneys! ¡Hablamos español!
We serve clients throughout Florida, including, but not limited to, those in the following localities: Duval County including Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville, and Jacksonville Beach; Hillsborough County including Brandon, Riverview, and Tampa; Leon County including Tallahassee and Woodville; Orange County including Ocoee, Orlando, and Winter Garden; St. Lucie County including Fort Pierce, Lakewood Park, and Port St. Lucie; and Walton County including DeFuniak Springs, Miramar Beach, and Santa Rosa Beach.
[1] Tiny Bleeds Associate with Disability After Brain Injury, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, Oct. 29, 2019, https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/tinybleeds-associated-disability-after-brain-injury.
See A. Griffin, et al., Traumatic Microbleeds Suggest Vascular Injury and Predict Disability in Traumatic Brain Injury, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, Oct. 14, 2019, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31608359/.