Attending your first consultation with an attorney may cause you to be a little nervous, as you may not be familiar with the legal process in Florida personal injury cases. In this article, we will give you points to keep in mind and questions you should ask during your first consultation with an attorney regarding a motorcycle accident.
What Should You Look for in a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
During your initial contact with a motorcycle accident lawyer, keep the following points in mind:
It's natural that the prospect of having to pay a lawyer and maybe having to go to court would be stressful. When you have the appropriate motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, though, the procedure will be much easier. It's critical that you follow these steps to prepare for your first consultation:
You may begin your free consultation by inquiring about the motorcycle accident attorney's expertise, history, and legal abilities. Questions could include:
You should inquire about the motorcycle accident lawyer's strategy and manner of practice, such as:
You'll want to know how your lawyer thinks about your case and whether they believe it will succeed. Questions to consider are:
If you feel you have discovered an excellent lawyer for your case, you should inquire about how your case will be handled.
When you meet with a lawyer, you should always inquire about legal expenses, such as:
It's time to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to take on your case once you've met with the right attorney. You should ask yourself the following questions to determine the right one:
The laws and deadlines for bringing a personal injury claim vary by state. According to the statute of limitations in Florida, you have four years from the date of the motorcycle accident to retain a personal injury lawyer and seek compensation. If someone you care about dies in a motorcycle accident, you have two years from the date of the event to engage a personal injury lawyer and seek compensation for funeral costs, medical bills, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and other damages.
The Florida statute of limitations[1] specifies how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida. Florida Statute 95.11
Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki For a Free Initial Consultation!
If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you should know what questions to ask a lawyer. It is critical to build a trusting and mutually beneficial attorney-client relationship.
The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of successful experience defending clients who have been involved in motorcycle accidents. Let us do the fighting for you.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys! ¡Hablamos español!
[1] FLA. STAT. § 95.11
Florida places number two for the number of registered motorcycle owners in the country. It should come as no surprise that it also has the greatest number of fatal motorcycle accidents each year. Sadly, many motorists overlook motorcycles, which leads to many accidents. Whatever the situation may be, it is critical that you get adequately paid for your damages and injuries if you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Florida.
Nobody should manage a motorcycle accident case on their own. It may be a complicated and frightening procedure with unanticipated complications. The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of successful experience defending clients who have been involved in motorcycle accidents.
Please call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys! We conduct consultations in Spanish too!
Our team of accident attorneys will be able to guide you through the important phases of an injury lawsuit and assist you throughout such process. Call us today!
The following are the major parties in a personal injury case:
Prior to filing a lawsuit, your attorney will send a demand letter to the defendant and/or his or her vehicle insurance company on your behalf. A demand letter is a letter demanding compensation for the damages you received from the motorcycle accident. Once the demand letter is sent, the negotiation process commences.
No more action is required if an agreement is reached, in which the defendant agrees to pay you a reasonable compensation for your damages. Negotiation can take from a month up to several months, depending on the severity of the damaged sought and cooperation from the opposing party and/or his or her insurance company.
An agreement can be reached at this point, which is preferable for all parties concerned. The defendant will want the matter settled fast, and we may be able to do it with the aid of our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys. You may be pressured into accepting an offer that does not reflect your injuries and losses if you do not have legal representation, thus, even after accounting for attorney’s fees, you are s better off having one fight for the compensation you deserve.
It is in the best interest of both parties to settle the case before taking the case to court. Filing a lawsuit involves filing fees and more proceedings to resolve the case; you also risk not receiving the compensation you require.
Our lawyers will be able to inform you when an offer is worth taking and when going to court is in your best interests. It is important to note that we will never accept or reject an offer before discussing it with you and obtaining your consent.
Should the parties involved not reach an agreement before the statute of limitations[1], your case will most likely be taken to court. With that being said, there are specific procedures and documents to file both parties and their attorneys must do.
Pleadings in a lawsuit are used to formally present allegations and defenses. The plaintiff is the first party to file a pleading, also known as the complaint.
In summary, the plaintiff will file a complaint in which the anticipated cause of action will be stated. Upon doing so, the defendant must file a response presenting their defense. Pleadings exist to inform the defendant that a lawsuit has been filed against them as well as to inform the plaintiff of the defendant's intentions about the litigation.
A licensed attorney produces this pleading. It lays forth the plaintiff's injuries and claims, as well as how the defendant is accountable for them. This document usually takes two weeks to prepare.
The defendant is typically allowed three weeks to file a response to the complaint (an answer) in a personal injury lawsuit. The defendant's defense against the plaintiff or any other party involved will be included in the answer, as well as any potential factual issues. If the answer contains a counterclaim or a third-party complaint, that party must likewise file an answer. If the defendant fails to file an answer, the court may impose a default judgment [2]against them.
During the lawsuit's discovery stage, the parties will exchange any relevant documents and information pertaining to the problems raised. Anyone who has a strong suspicion that they have been injured can initiate a case under Florida’s lenient discovery rules, even if they have no substantial evidence. Each side will issue a formal request for documents and interrogatories to the other (including written questions).
Some of this information will have to be requested specifically. This is something that our legal team at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki can assist you with. Plaintiffs, defendants, and key witnesses will be interviewed on record during their depositions[3].
This is a time-consuming procedure that can take months or even years to finish. Furthermore, because discovery procedures are rules are so complicated, it is usually preferable to have an attorney help you.
Motions (requests) can be filed by both the defendant and the plaintiff with the court. They may be spoken or written, but must be filed to the court in accordance with the applicable requirements.
A motion is a request to the court for a specific order or decision. Motions vary from case to case. Some entail extending deadlines (request to extend), while others may result in the lawsuit being dismissed entirely (motion to dismiss). Various motions can be filed during the motorcycle accident litigation, but only after the original complaint has been filed by you or your lawyer.
This is a lengthy procedure; any substantial motions must be filed six weeks before the trial.
Your case can have a trial in two different ways: a bench trial or a jury trial. A bench trial is when a case is tried by a judge and he or she will consider the facts and evidence to dispose of your case. A jury trial is a trial where your case and its arguments are presented to a panel of jurors and will decide who was at fault and what relief should be imposed.
In either trial, each party will submit evidence to support their position and refute accusations made against them throughout the trial. They might bring witnesses to testify about what had occurred at the motorcycle accident scene.
After each party has rested their case, the judge or jury will evaluate all of the evidence, deliberate, and render a decision in favor of the plaintiff(s) or defendant(s).
Only a small percentage of legal disputes result in a lawsuit, but if yours does, expect it to take some time to resolve. Your case might be tried by a bench or a jury. Please do not make the decision between a jury and a bench on your own. It is usually preferable to consult your attorney before making this decision, since it may be the most significant one you make.
Although a judge may have made his or her verdict, your case might not be over yet. All parties have the following options to take:
Once the trial is over, each party has nine weeks to submit post-trial motions. The motions may include requests for attorney's fees or expenses, as well as requests for the court to reconsider concerns brought before or during the trial. Under the right circumstances, you also may request for a new trial.
The losing party has the option of appealing to a higher court. It might take years for an appeal to be resolved, and judges hardly reconsider their rulings. It is, nevertheless, achievable with the appropriate counsel and the correct evidence.
Within 30 days of the ruling, you or your attorney must submit a notice of appeal with the court where the final judgement involving your motorcycle accident compensation was reached.
Having an attorney on your side is critical for knowing your post-trial options. Call us for a free consultation if you have any questions about your motorcycle accident claim.
Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today!
Again, nobody should manage a motorcycle accident case on their own. It is a difficult procedure and handling it alone can lead to disappointing outcomes. The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of successful experience defending clients who have been involved in motorcycle accidents. Let us do the fighting for you. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys! We conduct consultations in Spanish too!
[1] I would suggest hyperlinking “statute of limitations” to an article that addresses and explains it.
[2] I would also suggest hyperlinking “default judgment” to an article that defines it.
[3] Hyperlink “depositions” to the article I will write next week regarding the deposition process.
If drivers aren't paying attention, crosswalks might be dangerous to your health. If, on the other hand, you are a cautious driver and a jaywalker rushes into traffic, your life might be turned upside down in an instant. Have you been struck by a distracted driver? Learn more below and contact a Florida lawyer right now.
Nobody expects to walk down the street and be hit by a car, but it happens all the time. Pedestrian accidents are more common in Florida at night (when visibility is an issue) and in cities than in rural regions.
In cities, however, pedestrian accidents are more likely to occur on sidewalks, in crosswalks, or on the side of the road, rather than at junctions, as one might expect. These injuries have the potential to be life-threatening or even lethal.
In a negligence lawsuit, the driver might be held accountable for damages, which could include:
The injured plaintiff has four years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit (two years for wrongful death). Let's take a closer look at the pedestrian legislation in Florida.
Pedestrian rules in the state require pedestrians to follow any official traffic control device unless ordered differently by a police officer. Traffic signs, signals, and pavement striping are examples of devices.
Pedestrians should also avoid using the street if a sidewalk is easily available. They should utilize the shoulder on the left side of the road facing traffic if sidewalks are not available or are under construction.
Pedestrians should be aware of the following when crossing the street:
There are a few additional regulations, but they're all quite specific ("no pedestrian may jump or dive from a publicly owned bridge," for instance, and no person shall hitchhike on a public Florida street).
Why Do Pedestrian Accidents Occur?
When new drivers finish their Driver's Education training, they are typically focused on the automobiles and fail to consider pedestrians and the many pedestrian rules in place to protect them. "Don't Hit That Person" is the most important lesson in Driver's Ed.
The passing of time may lead them to forget about the rules while driving or driving recklessly. The following are some of the most prevalent causes of these accidents:
When an automobile collides with a pedestrian, serious injuries can occur. Consider this: a massive piece of steel collides with a little individual, who is generally not completely dressed after playing goalkeeper during soccer practice. In comparison, it's incredible that anybody can survive.
Because the victim isn't wearing protective gear, severe injuries are common. The car's forward momentum is subsequently transferred to the walker, causing him or her to be flung many feet or yards. Head injuries, fractured bones, and lacerations are all possible when a pedestrian collides with the ground.
Some of the worst pedestrian injuries are brain injuries, spinal injuries, fractures, lacerations, loss of limbs, and paralysis.
What happens if an accident is caused by both a pedestrian and a driver? Let's imagine someone darted into traffic at a location that wasn't designated for pedestrians and there wasn't even a walking light. The motorist was unable to come to a complete stop in time. So, what do you do now?
In Florida, the pure comparative negligence standard applies, which means that even if a person is 99 percent to blame for an accident, he or she can still recover that 1% of damages. A jury would examine the scenario and, depending on the facts of the case, assign blame to the two parties.
Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today!
If you've been injured in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it's worth your time to talk with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Our attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett and Nowicki have decades of combined legal experience that apply to your case. We'll make sure your legal rights to fair compensation are protected. These rights include being fairly compensated for injuries, pain and suffering, and more.
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, don’t wait another day! Contact us immediately for a free consultation and let one of our experienced pedestrian accident lawyers guide you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced legal team!
On the loose, dangerous dogs pose a menace to everyone, from small children to adults. Fortunately, dog owners in Jacksonville, Florida, may be held liable for their dogs' activities if they damage others. A Jacksonville dog bite attorney can provide you with a free consultation on your potential dog bite injury claim. Dog owners are held accountable for unprovoked dog bites and assaults under strict liability legislation.
If you or someone you love has been gravely hurt as a result of a dog bite or assault, you may be entitled to sue the dog's owner for monetary damages. This might include compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and other losses incurred as a result of a dog attack. If you have been wounded by a dog bite or dog attack, an experienced Jacksonville dog bite injury lawyer knows how to defend your rights and is your best alternative.
We deal with dog bite insurance claims all of the time at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki. We can help you collect the compensation you deserve if you have been bitten by a dog of any severity. If you reside in Jacksonville or anywhere else in Florida and have been hurt by a dog bite, please call us for a free consultation at (904) 398-1992.
A dog's violent bite might result in significant harm. A victim of a dog attack may receive many bites. These attacks can result in a variety of injuries, all of which can have a significant impact on the victim's life and result in costly medical expenditures. These are some of them:
Dog bite liability regulations are strict, which implies that even if the dog has never been hostile before, the owner is accountable for the assault. For help with a potential dog bite injury claim, contact our Sarasota dog bite attorneys right now.
In the state of Florida, Florida Statute 767.04 specifies when a dog owner is responsible for dog bite injuries. Even if the dog bites someone for the first time, the dog owner may be held liable. This is true whether the dog attack takes place on public property or on the property of the dog owner. Only a few scenarios exist in which the dog owner is not entirely responsible for a dog bite injury:
In most circumstances, when a dog attacks someone on public property in Florida and causes an injury, the dog's owner is held accountable. If you have been gravely hurt in a dog attack, it is critical to have an experienced Sarasota dog bite lawyer working on your case. Your right to compensation for your pain and suffering will be fought for by a Sarasota personal injury lawyer. Requesting a free consultation is the first step in the process.
According to Florida Statute 95.11, victims must file dog bite claims and lawsuits within four years of the date the dog bite victim suffered the injuries. With a few exceptions, a dog bite victim in Florida who does not contact a personal injury attorney or file a lawsuit within that time period would lose his or her ability to sue permanently. Before it's too late, contact an attorney for a free consultation.
What to Do After You Have Been Bit by a Dog
Identify the dog's owner or the person who had control of the dog at the time it attacked you. Obtain the names and addresses of the individuals. Obtain the names and addresses of the people involved, as well as confirmation of rabies vaccination. If you are unable to receive this information, you may be compelled to take a series of costly rabies vaccines.
Contact first responders (9-1-1) for immediate medical help, or have someone drive you to emergency care, depending on the severity of the bite. After being bitten or assaulted, always seek competent medical help.
Even if the damage was minor, submit a report with the appropriate city or county authorities once you've been medically treated. According to DogsBite.org, legally recording your case also aids the next victim who may be bitten or assaulted by the same dog. Authorities cannot effectively enforce without a paper trail.
Even if you have to unwrap your gauze, take images of your injuries. If needed, consult a doctor or nurse. They will advise you on how to do so safely. It's also a good idea to take pictures of the attack site, as well as any of your wounds, including bruises, and any ripped or bloodied clothes. These might be used by your lawyer to bolster your case.
Find out more about the dog and its owner after you've identified them. Obtain the pet's license information as well as any past history data. Before attacking you, has the animal bitten or assaulted another person or animal? Is the dog officially classified as "possibly dangerous" or "dangerous" by Jacksonville authorities? These are crucial facts to establish for each case that your attorney will be handling.
If you want to pursue medical compensation for your accident, you should start keeping a record as soon as possible. For the first several weeks following the assault, set aside some time each day to write down your thoughts. It is not uncommon for a lawsuit to take many years to resolve. Expect to keep this notebook every week throughout this period; your lawyer will find it extremely helpful in your case.
For a free consultation, contact an attorney right immediately. Legal concerns involving dog attacks are usually complicated and difficult to handle. Apart from the medical specialist who cures your injuries, your lawyer is the only person who will watch out for your best interests from this point forward. Before you start with a lawsuit, you should always be granted a free consultation in the first place.
Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience that apply to your case. We'll make sure your legal rights to fair compensation are protected. These rights include being fairly compensated for injuries, pain and suffering, and more.
If you have been involved in a dog bite, don’t wait another day! Contact us immediately for a free consultation and let one of our experienced dog bites lawyers guide you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced dog bite attorneys!
Florida has the unfortunate distinction of having a disproportionately high number of boating accidents. Boating accidents, on the other hand, are relatively rare throughout the state of Florida. This is due to the fact that Florida has over a million registered watercraft, each of which poses a danger of a boat disaster. When the number of possibly unregistered vessels is included, the figure of a million rises even higher.
Maritime accidents can occur in a variety of ways, with a wide range of possible outcomes. Speed boats, jet skis, tourist watercraft, and numerous types of fishing vessels are all examples of watercraft. Each one comes with its own set of dangers and potential consequences.
Accidents on the water can occur in a variety of ways. It's possible that you'll slip and fall into the water. Due to the outboard motors of a personal watercraft, you may be struck by a boat traveling at extreme speeds, which can cause significant damage. Furthermore, because Florida's waterways attract a large number of visitors, the chance of someone driving a boat while inebriated rises considerably.
Florida has the greatest rate of boat accidents in the United States today. Every year, numerous individuals are harmed in boating accidents as a result of boat operators' recklessness. Fortunately, because these instances are widespread in Florida, Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki has a plethora of expertise with personal injury claims involving boats. We can provide you the greatest opportunity of recovering compensation that is reasonable for your amount of damage, pain, and suffering, as well as any consequences that resulted from your boat accident.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Florida boating accident in the last four years, you should contact a Florida personal injury lawyer at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki to guarantee that you obtain the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries and consequences.
Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki in Jacksonville has decades of experience fighting for the rights of victims of different sorts of negligence, including those who have been involved in a jet ski or boat accident. We can also provide you with a free phone consultation. Every call will be free of charge, and any information you provide will be protected by the attorney-client privilege. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys!
What Are the Most Common Causes of Boating Accidents in Florida?
The waterways, like America's roadways, are governed by a number of maritime rules meant to reduce the danger of accidents and injury. People, on the other hand, frequently do not take marine rules as seriously as they do land-based laws. Furthermore, many persons are unaware of the nuances of the
regulations and, consequently, may inadvertently engage in reckless or negligent behavior that might result in a boating mishap.
A list of frequent scenarios that result in a personal injury case on the sea is as follows:
Just like driving, operating a marine vessel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is unlawful. Florida Statute 327.35, which establishes the legal limitations for drunkenness while boating, regulates boating intoxication.
A boater has a duty of care to the individuals on board and in the vicinity. They must guarantee that their yacht is in good working order and free of damage or neglect. A boat that is overweight or inadequately maintained is a typical source of injury.
There is a variety of watercraft capable of exceeding the speed limit in Florida's waterways. Many of these watercraft, from speed boats to jet skis, can cause serious injury if operated carelessly. Operators who drive too fast risk losing control of their boat and crashing into or colliding with another person swimming in the river.
The ordinary person may underestimate the amount of experience required to safely drive a boat. Many boating mishaps occur in Florida when visitors attempt to operate a boat without any prior knowledge or instruction. This increases the likelihood of a boating accident and the associated hazards of bodily injury.
While the weather in Florida is frequently hot, it is not always conducive to safe sailing. Furthermore, water vehicles are exposed to the elements at a much higher rate. High-speed winds and a lot of rain make the water a lot more hazardous and raise the chances of accidents and injury. Another factor to consider is that in the event that someone is thrown from the boat, the sea itself is far more dangerous in bad weather.
This is not a complete list. Victims of boating accidents might be harmed or have their property damaged in a variety of ways. Call our legal company for additional information on the facts of your case, no matter what the details are. The Law Place in Florida is well-versed in personal injury law, and after scheduling a free consultation, you'll be well on your way to getting the most money for your accident case.
Any Florida boating accident attorney has witnessed a variety of various watercraft accidents that resulted in personal injury.
These are some of them:
A personal injury lawyer at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki can assist you with your case, regardless of the details of your Florida boating accident. Contact us immediately for a free case review and let one of our experienced accident lawyers guide you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys!
Impact injuries such as abrasions, lacerations, and various types of abrasions. Fracture or breakage of the bones. If the victim's spine is harmed or they suffer a severe fracture, they may lose their mobility for the rest of their lives. Fast-moving propeller blades can cause amputation or dismemberment. Head injuries can have long-term consequences, such as brain damage. Boating accidents might also result in non-physical injuries. It's likely that you're suffering from PTSD, sadness, anxiety, or that flashbacks from the accident have kept you up at night. It is also much too common for boat accidents to result in the death of a person.
What Kinds of Damages Can Our Lawyers Help You Claim in a Boating Accident Case?
Our law firm recognizes that a boating accident can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of your life. In these sorts of personal injury lawsuits, there are multiple legal routes for pursuing various types of compensation.
Our lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki can assist you in making a claim for one or more of the following:
Compensation for any wrongful death that may have occurred as a result of your boating accident.
The easiest way to find out which of these legal compensation options apply to your case is to call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys!
Make an Appointment with Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today!
There has never been a better moment to seek counsel from an expert attorney affiliated with a respectable law practice like Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki, with over a million boats ready to cause another accident.
Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience that apply to your case. We'll make sure your legal rights to fair compensation are protected. These rights include being fairly compensated for injuries, pain and suffering, as well as property damage.
If you have been involved in a boating accident in the last four years, don’t waste another day! Contact us immediately for a free case review and let one of our experienced accident lawyers guide you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys!
Although some states allow a person injured by an impaired driver to sue the bar that over-served the driver, Florida only allows this in very specific circumstances, such as when a person willfully sells or furnishes alcohol to a person under the age of 21, or when a person knowingly serves a person who is habitually addicted to alcohol. This implies that parents of minors who host an alcoholic party may be held liable for damages caused by a youngster who is inebriated, leaves the house, and injures others. In fact, criminal charges might be brought against the parents in this case.
Operating a car with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or above is unlawful in Florida, as it is in all other states. Regardless of BAC level, drivers who exhibit signs of intoxication and fail field sobriety tests may be arrested. Because Florida has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinkers, teen drivers with any level of alcohol in their system will be arrested. For BAC levels of 0.04 percent, a commercial driver's license holder can be arrested.
You may have suffered significant injuries as a result of a drunk driving accident, such as head injuries (e.g., concussion or traumatic brain injury), cuts, lacerations, bruises, burns, damage to spinal cord, limb amputation, broken bones, whiplash, etc.
In a Drunk Driving Accident, Who is at Fault?
In most drunk driving accidents, the question of fault is clear-cut. After all, drunk drivers have a variety of choices for getting home than getting behind the wheel. If you have any questions, The Law Place's attorneys have a lot of experience with alcohol-related incidents and how to analyze the evidence. Our lawyers also understand that the insurance company will most likely want to make an arrangement with you as soon as possible, potentially even before you realize the full extent of your injuries.
Our first objective will be to demonstrate obvious carelessness and secure the greatest compensation for your injuries. If the drunk driver who hit you didn't have insurance, our lawyers will explore alternative sources of compensation, such as your own vehicle insurance's underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage, to compensate you for your injuries. In many situations, filing a civil action against the drunk driver may be your sole option for recovering full compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
You may have been somewhat to blame for the mishap in some situations. If this is the case, Florida's comparative negligence statutes allow you to recover in exact proportion to the fault of the drunk motorist. This implies that if you are entitled to $60,000 in damages but were 20% at fault for the accident, you are only entitled to $48,000. If you were going faster than the speed limit when you were hit by the inebriated motorist, this may happen. While the collision would not have happened if the other driver had been inebriated, your excessive speed may have contributed to the event's severity.
If a loved one is killed in Florida by a drunk driver, you or another authorized representative have the right to file a civil wrongful death claim on behalf of the deceased's estate. A wrongful death claim guarantees financial security for the surviving, especially when the deceased was the sole financial supporter of a spouse and/or children. If the DUI driver has already been convicted criminally, it may appear that a civil case would be simple to win; yet, winning such a case requires the services of a highly trained attorney.
While a wrongful death claim will not make up for the loss of a loved one's emotional agony, it can assist pay for medical expenditures, lost wages, and future expected income, as well as funeral and burial costs. If there was purposeful or malicious carelessness involved, people whose loved one was murdered by a drunk driver may be entitled to punitive damages. Punitive damages are intended to both penalize the drunk driver and discourage future drunk driving instances.
Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today So that We Can Help You!
If you've been hit by a drunk driver, you'll need an excellent legal team on your side. The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki will fight tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best compensation for your injuries. If the motorist was arrested and convicted of DUI in connection with your accident, we will find and exploit any evidence relating to his or her unlawful activity. We'll get the results of the field sobriety test and the blood alcohol content (BAC) test, as well as video footage from the police officer's car. Our attorneys have decades of combined experience, which we will put to work for you if you have been injured by a drunk driver. You deserve an advocate on your side who will fight for your rights and has your best interests at heart.
Our personal injury lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nooney have handled a vast variety of DUI personal injury cases. We work as a team to help you through the process and manage all the complexity of your individual circumstance, unlike other law firms. Our firm is varied and extremely talented. On many occasions, our dedication has resulted in very generous settlements and judgments. Remember, there is no charge for hiring us. We work on a contingency basis, meaning we aren't paid unless you are. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys!
Motorcycle accidents are highly prevalent in The Sunshine State. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 467 fatal motorcycle accidents occur in Florida each year, making it the state with the most motorcycle accidents in the country.
Although motorcycle safety equipment has improved in recent years, a rider is still at risk of significant injury in the event of an accident. Motorcyclists are significantly more likely than drivers and passengers in automobiles to suffer serious injuries; they are 27 times more likely to die in car accidents.
There are numerous techniques for motorcycle drivers to lessen the danger of an accident, but no matter how cautious you are, one drunk, distracted, or careless driver is all it takes to cause a tragedy.
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, medical expenditures, and property damage. If you or a loved one was injured or killed in a motorbike accident, a personal injury lawyer at The Law Place can assess your case for free and advise you on the best course of action.
Our lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of combined legal experience in personal injury claims and lawsuits. While we give you small firm attention, you receive big firm results. Call our office at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today!
Why Are There So Many Motorcycle Accidents in Florida?
One of the causes of the high number of motorcycle accidents in Florida is the large number of motorcycle riders. Florida has the most registered motorcycle drivers, and big bike rallies and events like Daytona Beach Bike Week and Biketoberfest attract visitors from all over the country.
Many other factors could be at play; for example, Florida has the world's largest elderly population. This might undoubtedly be a factor if you believe that elderly persons are more prone to be involved in car accidents. Of course, there are many senior motorcyclists who are more than capable of riding safely on Florida's roadways. However, in some circumstances, senior drivers have poor vision or cognitive deterioration, which could be a contributing reason in the rise in all motor vehicle accidents. Another important element is Florida's many gorgeous highways, which are popular among keen motorcyclists. Simply said, if there are more motorcycles on the road, there will be a commensurate rise in the number of accidents.
Motorcycle accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, and the vast majority of them are completely avoidable. You can lower your risk by anticipating and avoiding the following typical causes of motorcycle collisions:
Cars making a left turn account for nearly half of all collisions involving a motorcycle and another vehicle. These collisions occur frequently at junctions and when riders attempt to pass passenger vehicles. Even though they have the right of way, motorcycle riders should always approach junctions with caution and should never attempt to overtake a car.
Motorcycles are less stable than passenger vehicles due to their two-wheeled configuration. Motorcyclists can be killed by potholes, slick surfaces, and uneven pavement. Motorcyclists should avoid riding in bad weather and adhere to regular routes, especially at night, to decrease their risk.
Because motorbikes are smaller than passenger vehicles, they can easily vanish into another vehicle's blind zone. Riders should be aware of this and make every effort to remain visible, while car drivers should check their blind spots as needed.
Speeding not only increases the likelihood of an accident, but it also leads to more serious automobile accidents and injuries when compared to crashes at lower speeds. Speeding makes it more difficult to manage the motorcycle and turn. All road users should adhere to speed limits and drive cautiously at all times.
The act of riding between two lanes, generally to avoid traffic congestion, is known as lane splitting. Because other cars are not anticipating the rider to approach at a pace faster than the flow of traffic, this technique is extremely dangerous. When you're trapped in jam highway traffic in the Florida heat, it's a tempting technique, but it increases your chances of crashing.
Drunk driving is the top cause of accidents for all types of vehicles, but statistics reveal that motorcyclists are involved in a disproportionately high number of drunk-driving crashes. In reality, nearly 30% of riders who die in motorcycle accidents had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. Any driver of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of more than 0.05 will be deemed to be reckless and negligent in any accident case.
A motorcyclist is required under Florida right of way regulations to do everything necessary to prevent a collision. Riders can take a variety of precautions to avoid accidents, including:
Florida is a hot state, and motorcycle riders have been known to ride in shorts, tank tops, and flipflops. A motorcycle rider must always wear a helmet, gloves, boots, coat, and pants. There is no excuse because motorcycle gear makers realize the necessity for comfort, and there are several lightweight choices that allow for summer riding.
Motorcyclists must be cautious of huge vehicles such as semi-trucks and campers. They have enormous blind zones that make seeing motorcyclists more challenging. They may change lanes under the impression that the road is clear, resulting in a collision.
Because of their capacity to move at fast speeds, motorcycle riders are notorious for breaking the speed limit. Although it's natural to desire to go fast when riding a fast bike, you must drive at the appropriate speed if you want to avoid major harm. Because a motorcycle's tiny size makes it difficult for automobiles to notice it, driving at a slower speed gives them more time to see you. Furthermore, if you are driving at a safe pace when a motorbike accident occurs, the consequences will be significantly less severe.
Keep your vehicle in good working order and change your tires as needed. Failure to do so can be a fatal mistake, and you may be held liable if you are involved in an accident. Motorcycle riders owe it to themselves and other drivers on Florida's highways to keep their vehicles in good working order.
As previously said, driving while inebriated is a major cause of car accidents. Alcohol is frequently present at motorcycle rallies and events, but if you are the driver, don't drink or take any other substances that might impair your driving ability.
There are certain things you can do if you've been injured in a car accident. If the accident was not your fault, this would improve safety and help with your compensation claim.
First and foremost, get off the road and assist in keeping everyone else engaged safe from traffic risks. If someone offers assistance, be sure they are not putting themselves in danger.
Police assistance may be required to thoroughly examine the accident, and police records may be crucial evidence in a future legal action. Even if you aren't planning on filing a lawsuit right away, you should call the police. You might be suffering from an injury that isn't yet visible. Don't do yourself a disservice by assuming you won't require evidence. According to Florida Statute
316.062, you must also call the police to the accident scene.
Evidence is crucial to winning any court action or obtaining compensation. If there were witnesses to the accident before, during, or after it occurred, they might be extremely helpful in your case.
Take pictures of the accident scene. The road conditions, skid marks, and other indicators that might lead to fault assessment will be shown in photos.
Even if you don't think you've been hurt, if you were riding a motorbike, you're likely to have been, and some of them will show up later. A doctor can examine you to check whether you have injuries to your head, neck, or extremities. A doctor may be able to detect and address issues that might cause discomfort in the future. Keep track of all doctor and hospital appointments, as well as a copy of any medical bills.
After an accident, contact a lawyer as soon as possible; they will be able to advise you on the next measures to take. Even if you believe you were at blame, you may only be partially at fault, and under the notion of comparative negligence, courts can split damages. So, even if you believe you were at blame, you still have rights, and a lawyer can help you understand your rights and what damages you or the other party may be entitled to.
An experienced Florida motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys!
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Florida, you may be entitled to file a claim for compensation. Damages might include the following:
If your car or any other property you own was damaged in the accident, you are entitled to compensation to cover any repair costs.
If you must seek medical attention as a result of your injuries received in the accident, you should be compensated for your medical expenses.
This includes emotional and mental anguish, as well as a loss of enjoyment from things you may no longer be able to do as a result of the accident.
If you lost money as a result of being unable to work for a length of time due to the accident, you are entitled to compensation.
If a loved one died as a result of the accident, you are entitled to compensation to pay funeral expenses and loss of companionship.
You may be eligible for financial compensation if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Florida. Almost every motorbike accident is caused by one or both drivers making a mistake on the road. When drivers fail to exercise the same level of care and caution as a normal driver, they are accountable for any injuries or property damage.
Our motorcycle accident lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nooney have handled a vast variety of motorcycle accident situations. We work as a team to help you through the process and manage all the complexity of your individual circumstance, unlike other law firms. Our firm is varied and extremely talented. On many occasions, our dedication has resulted in very generous settlements and judgments. Remember, there is no charge for hiring us. We work on a contingency basis, meaning we aren't paid unless you are. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys!
Car accidents are inherently traumatic. This traumatic incident can sometimes reach new heights
when big semi-trucks are involved. These vehicles are bigger, longer, heavier, and more difficult
to steer and slower than ordinary ones. Over ten people are killed every day in large truck
accidents. Even in non-fatal truck-related accidents, injuries can be severe. In either scenario, it
is important to consult with an experienced Florida truck accident lawyer regarding your legal
Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki serves clients in the following localities: Duval County
including Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville, and Jacksonville Beach; Clay County including Green
Cove Springs, Keystone Heights, Lakeside, Middleburg, and Orange Park; Flagler County
including Palm Coast; Nassau County including Callahan, Fernandina Beach, and Yulee; Putnam
County including Interlachen and Palatka; and St. Johns County including Fruit Cove, Palm
Valley, Ponte Vedra Beach, St. Augustine, and St. Johns.
Large Truck Accidents
One of the most terrifying types of truck accidents to be involved in is a rollover crash. These
types of accidents occur most frequently when a truck driver fails to adjust the truck’s speed to
any one of several factors, including curves in the road, the load being carried, condition of the
truck’s brakes, road surface, and intersection conditions.
Besides speed adjustment mistakes, inattentive driving and steering errors are other causes of
rollover crashes. Furthermore, rollover crashes are also a function of forces that are more likely
to affect larger vehicles driving at high speeds on curved surfaces. Centrifugal force, specifically,
can cause a large track to lean away from the direction of a road curve as the truck travels on a
curved lane.
“I’ve Been Involved in a Truck Accident in Florida! What Should I Do?
Virtually all automobile accidents result in damages to persons and/or property. When trucks,
especially very large ones, are involved, these damages can be immense. An accident involving a
large truck will often result in medical bills, future medical treatment costs, lost income from
missed work, pain and suffering, and in the worst cases, death.
In the aftermath, it is imperative that victims in a truck accident obtain the services of an
experienced Florida truck accident lawyer to file a timely claim against the parties at fault.
Because automobile accidents, especially those involving large trucks, can involve multiple
parties engaged in a chain of events at high speeds in traffic, the skill of such a lawyer will be
needed in establishing the element of causation—an essential component of most all accidentrelated claims. Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki has highly effective and experienced lawyers that handle truck-accident-related personal injury claims. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to learn how we can serve you in this time of need.
Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient
form to schedule a free initial consultation with our experienced and aggressive truck accident
Fatalities When Drivers Did Not Wear Seatbelts
Fatalities involving the occupants of large trucks increased three years in a row, then became one
of the only categories of drivers that had no increase from 2014 to 2015. Tragically, despite the
proliferation of statewide messaging about the importance of wearing a seatbelt while driving or
riding in a motor vehicle, a majority of fatally injured passenger occupants were not wearing a
seatbelt at the time of the accident. Additionally, more than 60 percent of large truck occupant
fatalities occurred during crashes in which no other vehicle was involved.
If a loved one has been the victim of a fatal truck accident in the state of Florida, the personal
injury lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki are prepared to help you seek
compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit. We can help you secure a settlement to pay for
medical bills, lost current and future wages, additional recovery costs, and any loss of support
due to the death of a loved one. Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately for the legal
representation you deserve.
Sleep Deprivation and Large Truck Accidents
Sleep deprivation is one of the leading causes of commercial vehicle collisions. To a trucker,
miles are money, and miles take time. In their minds, they are not paid to sleep or rest, and the
faster and farther they drive, the more profit they take home. Therefore, federal regulations are
routinely disobeyed by truck drivers. Drivers are only allowed to drive a maximum of 11 hours
in one day, in which a 30-minute break must be included. The maximum hours a truck driver can
work in one week is 70 hours. This 70-hour workweek must be followed by a mandatory 34-hour
rest period in which no truck driving can take place. Additionally, the federal restart of the
workweek includes regulations enforcing two periods between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Truck
lobby groups have repeatedly tried to battle these regulations to boost their profits, while safety
advocates are calling for more enforcement and stricter regulations to save lives.
We will look through the records of the trucker’s driving logs to find out if sleep deprivation was
the cause of the crash. Regardless of any federal rules that the driver violated or did not violate,
we will work to prove that the driver handled their vehicle in a careless, unsafe manner that
resulted in the crash and injuries to you and/or your family.
Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Truck Accident in Florida
As is all too apparent from the foregoing statistic, truck accidents are not uncommon on American roadways. To strengthen your case, it is necessary to take certain measures in the direct aftermath of an accident. Most importantly, speak with the police and make sure an accident report is created at the scene of the accident. A police report can be an invaluable piece of evidence in a future case. Also, attempt to preserve any evidence from the accident, and exchange information with the other driver and with any witnesses. Finally, seek medical treatment for any injuries, and contact a lawyer immediately thereafter. Contact our Florida truck accident lawyers right away at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial consultation.
Compensation for Damages Suffered During Florida Truck Accident
All truck, car, and motorcycle operators in Florida are required to drive responsibly on roads.
More specifically, drivers owe others a duty of care, and must not drive negligently or in a
reckless fashion. If another driver operates their vehicle negligently or recklessly and
subsequently injures you, you may be able to seek compensation. Or, if you have lost a loved one
because of another’s failure to observe the rules of the road, you can file a wrongful death
lawsuit on behalf of the deceased. For help in your case, contact a skilled and experienced
Florida truck accident lawyer today. We are prepared to advocate on your behalf in your case
and are ready to begin today. To understand your legal options, contact a skilled and experienced
Florida truck accident lawyer. Our legal team at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki will be
awaiting your call.
Contact our Experienced and Aggressive Jacksonville Truck Accident Attorneys Today
Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki provides precisely the highly effective and experienced
Florida truck accident lawyers needed to handle truck accident-related personal injury claims.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to learn how we can serve you in this time of need. Call us
at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial consultation
with our experienced and aggressive truck accident attorneys.
Brake checking is a leading contributor to causes of crashes in the state of Florida. Accidents caused by drivers checking their brakes put themselves and others on the road in needless danger.
If you have been in a car accident caused by someone checking their brakes and you are unclear about what steps to take next, you should speak with a car accident attorney in Florida.
A lawyer has the ability and knowledge to manage your case from beginning to end and handle the most crucial activities linked to your case. They can also answer any questions or concerns you have about your case.
What Exactly is Brake Checking?
The act of a motorist in front of another driving abruptly slamming on their brakes in order to startle or frighten the driver behind them is known as brake checking.
People frequently brake check when driving aggressively or irresponsibly, or as a means of exacting revenge on another vehicle who is following too closely behind them.
The practice of driving too closely behind another vehicle, known as "tailgating," leaves the motorist in front of you with very little room to come to a stop in a secure manner.
There is never an acceptable justification or cause to brake check. It's not only risky, but it also results in a lot of accidents.
Rear-End Collisions
Brake checking is one of the most prevalent causes of rear-end accidents. These crashes take place when the vehicle in the rear makes contact with the rear of the vehicle in front of it.
Rear-end crashes cause victims to sustain a variety of injuries in addition to the property damage they experience. These injuries can include trauma to the back, neck, and soft tissues. The most tragic outcomes of rear-end crashes are death and serious injury. According to the most recent statistics from the Insurance Information Institute, there were 2,346 fatalities associated with rearend collisions in 2019.
Is It Illegal to Brake Check in The State of Florida?
Brake checking is not only risky for anybody participating in the activity, but it is also against the law in the state of Florida. If a person causes an accident as a result of brake checking, which is an illegal kind of driving behavior, that person may be held liable for the accident.
Who is Responsible for Accidents that Result from Brake Checking in the State of Florida?
Brake checking is a prominent cause of rear-end incidents; nonetheless, the responsibility for causing rear-end collisions typically falls on the rear driver
It is against the law for drivers in the state of Florida to follow the vehicle in front of them more closely than is reasonable given the conditions of the road, the speed of traffic, and the speed limit. Due to the fact that rear-end crashes cause an unsafe space between cars and ultimately result in an accident, the driver of the vehicle in the rear most often bears the liability for the accident.
Accident cases involving brake checks are notoriously difficult to resolve for this reason. It may appear as though the driver in the back seat is at fault for the accident; yet, it's possible that they are not at fault at all; rather, the front driver may be fully responsible for causing the collision.
Both drivers might be somewhat to blame for the collision if, for instance, the rear driver was tailgating while the person in front was brake checking. In situations like these, the "comparative negligence" law of Florida comes into play.
The amount of the compensation that the plaintiff is eligible to receive is determined, in accordance with this regulation, by the percentage of fault that the plaintiff bears in the incident.
To be able to hold the driver in front of them accountable for the accident, the motorist in the back needs to show proof that demonstrates the behavior of the driver in front of them was negligent or reckless. Dashcam video recordings and the statements of witnesses both count as evidence. The rear driver's case may also be strengthened by providing vital knowledge that can be found in police records.
When it comes to situations involving vehicle accidents, determining who is at fault is one of the most important aspects. Because instances involving brake checking accidents are difficult to manage, it is very necessary to retain the services of a vehicle accident attorney who has vast expertise with claims of this nature.
Accidents caused by brake monitoring may be completely avoided, but regrettably, they nevertheless occur rather regularly.
In the event that you are the victim of a brake checking accident, you may have feelings of being disoriented and unclear of what steps to do next. A car accident lawyer in Florida has the knowledge, abilities, and resources necessary to manage your case and achieve a good resolution on your behalf.
If you were involved in a vehicle accident in Florida, you should hire a lawyer as soon as possible.
Contact Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today!
The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of combined experience fighting for victims of vehicle accidents. As a passionate firm, we fight for the compensation you rightfully deserve. Our expert legal team can help you along this complicated and intricate process.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive vehicle accident attorneys! ¡Hablamos español!
We serve clients throughout Florida, including, but not limited to, those in the following localities: Duval County including Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville, and Jacksonville Beach; Hillsborough County including Brandon, Riverview, and Tampa; Leon County including Tallahassee and Woodville; Orange County including Ocoee, Orlando, and Winter Garden; St. Lucie County including Fort Pierce, Lakewood Park, and Port St. Lucie; and Walton County including DeFuniak Springs, Miramar Beach, and Santa Rosa Beach.
The vast majority of people will, at some point in their life, have to obtain an IV. IVs are utilized often and for a variety of crucial reasons, whether for life-threatening medical conditions or in the course of receiving IV therapy.
The insertion of an intravenous line can be difficult and complicated, but you can have trust that qualified medical experts will perform it correctly. In other cases, however, medical professionals, such as nurses and doctors, do not implant and monitor intravenous lines with the appropriate level of caution, which results in IV infiltration.
IV Explained And IV Infiltrations
The abbreviation "IV" refers to "intravenous," which literally means "inside the vein." In intravenous therapy, fluids, blood products, or nutrients are administered by a thin tube with a needle that is inserted into a vein. IVs are by far the most common method utilized by medical professionals for the rapid and efficient administration of essential medications.
IVs are introduced into the vein, and the needle is left in place for as long as it is required to be there. When IV infiltration takes place, the fluids that are being administered through the IV seep out of the vein and into the tissue that is around the vein. This presents a particularly high risk, as it may result in the patient suffering catastrophic injuries.
How Does IV Infiltration Happen?
Infiltration through an IV line can take place in a number of different ways, including the following:
It is not only the obligation of the nurse or doctor who is placing the IV to do so in a thorough and accurate manner, but also to monitor your IV once it has been inserted. Monitoring your IV can assist in preventing any potential complications.
What Symptoms are Associated with Intravenous Infusions?
In certain circumstances, you might not necessarily be able to tell when IV infiltration has taken place. On the other hand, there are frequently revealing symptoms that point to IV infiltration.
The following are some of the most prevalent signs that indicate IV infiltration:
Infection Created by IV Drug Treatment
As soon as it is determined that an IV infiltration has occurred, the very first step is to immediately discontinue the administration of fluids and remove the IV as quickly as feasible.
The use of warm or cold compresses to the afflicted region, as well as elevating the area, can assist alleviate swelling and discomfort.
The other treatments differ from one another based on the medication that was given via the IV. In certain circumstances, extra medicine may need to be administered in conjunction with the IV infiltration.
Infiltration through an IV can lead to a number of serious complications.
In the worst of circumstances, intravenous infiltration can lead to significant consequences, some of which can be long-term, including the following:
In most cases, complications are caused by the fluid or medicine that was being administered through the IV, as well as the length of time that the IV infiltration was allowed to continue until the fluids were stopped and the IV was withdrawn.
Liability Regarding Intravenous Injections
In the state of Florida, if you suffer from IV infiltration and your healthcare practitioner is responsible for your condition, you may have a case.
When a doctor or nurse is careless with their work, it frequently leads to errors and missed opportunities. In the event that your physician or nurse put your IV in the wrong location, failed to monitor your IV on a regular basis, or allowed the infiltration to take place without taking any preventative measures, they may be held accountable.
You may be able to obtain financial compensation for the avoidable injuries and losses you incurred as a result of your encounter with IV infiltration if you hold the guilty party accountable for their actions.
In The Event That IV Infiltration Was Caused by the Negligence of a Healthcare
Professional, Consult with an Attorney Who Deals with Medical Malpractice
If you have IV infiltration and suffer major medical consequences as a result, you should discuss your case with an experienced attorney who specializes in medical negligence. A lawyer can evaluate the specifics of your case, advise you on the best course of action for establishing culpability, and assist you in your efforts to get financial compensation.
Contact Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki Today!
The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of combined experience in medical malpratice cases. As a passionate firm, we fight for the compensation you rightfully deserve.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive medical malpractice attorneys! ¡Hablamos español! We serve clients throughout Florida, including, but not limited to, those in the following localities: Duval County including Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville, and Jacksonville Beach; Hillsborough County including Brandon, Riverview, and Tampa; Leon County including Tallahassee and Woodville; Orange County including Ocoee, Orlando, and Winter Garden; St. Lucie County including Fort Pierce, Lakewood Park, and Port St. Lucie; and Walton County including DeFuniak Springs, Miramar Beach, and Santa Rosa Beach.