Law Offices of Nooney Roberts Hewett & Nowicki :


If you have been seriously injured in an auto accident in Florida that was caused by someone
else, you may have a long road ahead of you physically—and you also may have financial
healing to do. Unfortunately, all it takes is a single careless or reckless moment that wasn’t even
your fault to leave you in pain (for months, years, or permanently) and with extensive medical
bills on top of your suffering.

Depending on how badly you were injured, you may have to pay tens of thousands or hundreds
of thousands of dollars out of pocket for treatment. You may have to take weeks or months off
work, without pay, until your injuries subside.

This isn’t fair, but auto accident victims facing monetary struggles do have steps that they can
take to rebuild their financial futures! In this article, we’ll share helpful ways to recover
financially after an auto accident in The Sunshine State.

We know that these tips work because our attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki are
expert Florida car accident lawyers who have obtained the compensation our clients deserve for
many successful years. Our aggressive, highly knowledgeable attorneys have decades of legal

As a firm, we’ve been serving Florida communities and equipping injured victims with the legal
support they need to win maximum compensation. If you were in a financially devastating
collision, call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki today to schedule a free consultation. Call
(904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial consultation with
an experienced personal injury attorney.

Call an Auto Accident Attorney Who Charges on Contingency and Offers Free Initial

Emergency service transportation, surgeries, blood work, hospital stays, medications, copays,
deductibles, emergency room care…these are just a few of the costs you may incur if you’re
injured in a vehicle accident, and they are the epitome of breaking the bank.

Under Florida law, all drivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage,
which kicks in first after an accident. However, PIP only covers up to 80% of approved medical
costs. This means that if you break your arm in a car accident, you would still have to pay out of
pocket, and that’s just to be seen, not even to be treated, hospitalized, or followed up with. If you
have good personal health insurance, they may cover part of your bills, but if you have a high
deductible you haven’t met yet, you may be responsible for much of the costs.

You shouldn’t have to pay a single dime if you didn’t cause the accident. The insurance company of the driver who caused the crash, or your own insurance company (if the other driver was not insured) is the party who is ultimately responsible for paying for your medical bills. You can make a claim with them for compensation! However, they will do everything in their power to avoid paying you fully, which is where hiring a Florida car accident injury lawyer comes into play.

Injury lawyers experienced with the law and what tactics to use to make insurance companies
give accident victims fair and just settlements. They can communicate and negotiate with the
insurance companies, and even threaten to take them to court to get you paid. Working with a
Jacksonville car accident attorney gives you the best chances at recovering financially after a
Florida auto accident. Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki today at (904) 398-1992 or fill
out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial consultation! There’s nothing to lose!
The best and most convenient part of working with our law firm is that we offer free initial
consultations and charge on a contingency fee basis. Free initial consultations are conducted for
you to meet the attorneys you’ll be working with without having to pay anything to do so. You
can ask questions and learn exactly how they can help you recover maximum compensation. A
contingency fee arrangement is one where you don’t pay any part of your attorney’s legal fee
until they win your case. When you are paid a settlement, their fee comes as a percentage of that
settlement. It’s entirely risk-free for you and can help you save money while you are healing
because you are getting legal representation essentially at no cost!

Setting up Payment Plans with Medical Providers

Many hospitals, surgeons, or specialists understand that it simply isn’t possible for accident
victims to pay for the costs of treatment. Depending on your situation, we will advocate for you
so that they work with you to draw up a payment plan or even reduce the costs of treatment.
Hiring us to do this process is highly recommended, as it costs you nothing to do and has the
potential to drastically decrease your bills.


In any financial crisis and in many cases, an accident can rightfully be considered a financial
crisis. The first thing you should do is review and revise your budget. Do you have an emergency
fund? Now is the time to use it to pay for the big medical bills you are facing. If you don’t, that’s
okay, there are other areas of your spending that you can cut back. If you don’t have a budget,
you can quickly make one using an app that connects to your cards and bank accounts, or even
just make a simple spreadsheet of your bank transactions. Look to see any places where you can
spend less or stop spending, at least temporarily. For example, maybe you can cook at home
more often and cancel non-essential monthly memberships until you receive your settlement.
When it comes to recovering financially after a Florida auto accident, budgeting more carefully
is key, as it helps you gain and stay in control of your money and can provide much needed
peace of mind in a difficult time.

Pre-Settlement Loans

A pre-settlement loan, also known as a litigation loan or lawsuit financing, is a loan that gives
you financial relief until your case settles. In most cases, you don’t have to repay the loan or any
interest accrued on the loan until you receive your settlement, which can help you save money
while you are healing from your accident injuries!

These loans may also not affect your credit. There are many companies who offer these types of
loans in Florida. Be sure to do your research carefully and review the terms of the loans before
signing any agreements, though, as sometimes the interest rates may be hidden and higher than
you would expect! It is not worth it for every injured accident victim, but lawsuit financing may
be a good option for you if you don’t currently have income and should be used as a last

Call Our Experienced Car Accident Attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki

Vehicle accident injuries can be both financially and physically devastating. We are dedicated to
achieving the full compensation you deserve. Remember, you never pay us until we win your
case. It’s a win-win situation!

Call our office at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial
consultation today! Wait no more!

1680 Emerson St
Jacksonville, FL 32207
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