Private social hosts are often not liable for injuries brought on by their guests' alcohol drinking, according to Florida's alcohol liability rules. The restrictions are different, though, if a guest who is underage is served. According to Florida's liquor liability laws, it is the responsibility of party hosts and homeowners to prevent minors from consuming alcohol at their events. They risk legal and criminal consequences if they don't comply.
According to Florida law[1], it is unlawful to let anybody under the age of 21 to consume alcohol at a gathering if: (1) the home is under the party host's supervision; (2) the host consented to a party being held at the house; (3) underage persons consumed alcohol or drugs; (4) the host was aware of the underage drinking while in control of the home; and (5) the host failed to take reasonable measures to stop underage consumption while knowing that it was occurring.
Under the doctrine of negligence per se, this Florida statute may also be utilized to establish civil liability. When a person or organization breaches a criminal law intended to protect a certain group of persons, and the plaintiff belongs to that group, it is considered negligence per se.
For instance, the Florida "Open House Party" law was created to safeguard minors from the harm alcohol consumption might do to them or others.
When negligence per se is established, the individual or entity who provided the alcohol is in violation of Florida's liquor liability laws and is consequently responsible for any injuries that ensue.
You may be entitled to compensation for all losses incurred because of inappropriate alcohol service if you or a loved one was hurt. The Jacksonville attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have the knowledge required to handle your liquor liability lawsuit and secure the settlement you are entitled to. Our expert legal team can help you along this complicated and intricate process.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive liquor liability attorneys! ¡Hablamos español!
According to Florida's alcohol liability statutes, private social hosts are typically immune from lawsuits if they serve alcohol legally in their residence, bar, or private event.
That does not imply that you do not have options if you or a loved one was hurt at a private event by someone who was intoxicated.
There may be alternative methods to prove liability because alcohol may just be one contributing element to your or a loved one's serious bodily damage.
Contact us to discuss your case if you or someone you know has been hurt as a result of drinking alcohol or in an accident where alcohol played a role.
You need the skilled and innovative lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki to help you collect because of the strict liquor liability statutes that exclude alcohol providers from responsibility.
Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a quick form to schedule a free initial consultation with our aggressive liquor liability attorneys! ¡Hablamos español!