Motorcycle accidents are highly prevalent in The Sunshine State. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 467 fatal motorcycle accidents occur in Florida each year, making it the state with the most motorcycle accidents in the country.
Although motorcycle safety equipment has improved in recent years, a rider is still at risk of significant injury in the event of an accident. Motorcyclists are significantly more likely than drivers and passengers in automobiles to suffer serious injuries; they are 27 times more likely to die in car accidents.
There are numerous techniques for motorcycle drivers to lessen the danger of an accident, but no matter how cautious you are, one drunk, distracted, or careless driver is all it takes to cause a tragedy.
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, medical expenditures, and property damage. If you or a loved one was injured or killed in a motorbike accident, a personal injury lawyer at The Law Place can assess your case for free and advise you on the best course of action.
Our lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki have decades of combined legal experience in personal injury claims and lawsuits. While we give you small firm attention, you receive big firm results. Call our office at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today!
Why Are There So Many Motorcycle Accidents in Florida?
One of the causes of the high number of motorcycle accidents in Florida is the large number of motorcycle riders. Florida has the most registered motorcycle drivers, and big bike rallies and events like Daytona Beach Bike Week and Biketoberfest attract visitors from all over the country.
Many other factors could be at play; for example, Florida has the world's largest elderly population. This might undoubtedly be a factor if you believe that elderly persons are more prone to be involved in car accidents. Of course, there are many senior motorcyclists who are more than capable of riding safely on Florida's roadways. However, in some circumstances, senior drivers have poor vision or cognitive deterioration, which could be a contributing reason in the rise in all motor vehicle accidents. Another important element is Florida's many gorgeous highways, which are popular among keen motorcyclists. Simply said, if there are more motorcycles on the road, there will be a commensurate rise in the number of accidents.
Motorcycle accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, and the vast majority of them are completely avoidable. You can lower your risk by anticipating and avoiding the following typical causes of motorcycle collisions:
Cars making a left turn account for nearly half of all collisions involving a motorcycle and another vehicle. These collisions occur frequently at junctions and when riders attempt to pass passenger vehicles. Even though they have the right of way, motorcycle riders should always approach junctions with caution and should never attempt to overtake a car.
Motorcycles are less stable than passenger vehicles due to their two-wheeled configuration. Motorcyclists can be killed by potholes, slick surfaces, and uneven pavement. Motorcyclists should avoid riding in bad weather and adhere to regular routes, especially at night, to decrease their risk.
Because motorbikes are smaller than passenger vehicles, they can easily vanish into another vehicle's blind zone. Riders should be aware of this and make every effort to remain visible, while car drivers should check their blind spots as needed.
Speeding not only increases the likelihood of an accident, but it also leads to more serious automobile accidents and injuries when compared to crashes at lower speeds. Speeding makes it more difficult to manage the motorcycle and turn. All road users should adhere to speed limits and drive cautiously at all times.
The act of riding between two lanes, generally to avoid traffic congestion, is known as lane splitting. Because other cars are not anticipating the rider to approach at a pace faster than the flow of traffic, this technique is extremely dangerous. When you're trapped in jam highway traffic in the Florida heat, it's a tempting technique, but it increases your chances of crashing.
Drunk driving is the top cause of accidents for all types of vehicles, but statistics reveal that motorcyclists are involved in a disproportionately high number of drunk-driving crashes. In reality, nearly 30% of riders who die in motorcycle accidents had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. Any driver of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of more than 0.05 will be deemed to be reckless and negligent in any accident case.
A motorcyclist is required under Florida right of way regulations to do everything necessary to prevent a collision. Riders can take a variety of precautions to avoid accidents, including:
Florida is a hot state, and motorcycle riders have been known to ride in shorts, tank tops, and flipflops. A motorcycle rider must always wear a helmet, gloves, boots, coat, and pants. There is no excuse because motorcycle gear makers realize the necessity for comfort, and there are several lightweight choices that allow for summer riding.
Motorcyclists must be cautious of huge vehicles such as semi-trucks and campers. They have enormous blind zones that make seeing motorcyclists more challenging. They may change lanes under the impression that the road is clear, resulting in a collision.
Because of their capacity to move at fast speeds, motorcycle riders are notorious for breaking the speed limit. Although it's natural to desire to go fast when riding a fast bike, you must drive at the appropriate speed if you want to avoid major harm. Because a motorcycle's tiny size makes it difficult for automobiles to notice it, driving at a slower speed gives them more time to see you. Furthermore, if you are driving at a safe pace when a motorbike accident occurs, the consequences will be significantly less severe.
Keep your vehicle in good working order and change your tires as needed. Failure to do so can be a fatal mistake, and you may be held liable if you are involved in an accident. Motorcycle riders owe it to themselves and other drivers on Florida's highways to keep their vehicles in good working order.
As previously said, driving while inebriated is a major cause of car accidents. Alcohol is frequently present at motorcycle rallies and events, but if you are the driver, don't drink or take any other substances that might impair your driving ability.
There are certain things you can do if you've been injured in a car accident. If the accident was not your fault, this would improve safety and help with your compensation claim.
First and foremost, get off the road and assist in keeping everyone else engaged safe from traffic risks. If someone offers assistance, be sure they are not putting themselves in danger.
Police assistance may be required to thoroughly examine the accident, and police records may be crucial evidence in a future legal action. Even if you aren't planning on filing a lawsuit right away, you should call the police. You might be suffering from an injury that isn't yet visible. Don't do yourself a disservice by assuming you won't require evidence. According to Florida Statute
316.062, you must also call the police to the accident scene.
Evidence is crucial to winning any court action or obtaining compensation. If there were witnesses to the accident before, during, or after it occurred, they might be extremely helpful in your case.
Take pictures of the accident scene. The road conditions, skid marks, and other indicators that might lead to fault assessment will be shown in photos.
Even if you don't think you've been hurt, if you were riding a motorbike, you're likely to have been, and some of them will show up later. A doctor can examine you to check whether you have injuries to your head, neck, or extremities. A doctor may be able to detect and address issues that might cause discomfort in the future. Keep track of all doctor and hospital appointments, as well as a copy of any medical bills.
After an accident, contact a lawyer as soon as possible; they will be able to advise you on the next measures to take. Even if you believe you were at blame, you may only be partially at fault, and under the notion of comparative negligence, courts can split damages. So, even if you believe you were at blame, you still have rights, and a lawyer can help you understand your rights and what damages you or the other party may be entitled to.
An experienced Florida motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys!
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Florida, you may be entitled to file a claim for compensation. Damages might include the following:
If your car or any other property you own was damaged in the accident, you are entitled to compensation to cover any repair costs.
If you must seek medical attention as a result of your injuries received in the accident, you should be compensated for your medical expenses.
This includes emotional and mental anguish, as well as a loss of enjoyment from things you may no longer be able to do as a result of the accident.
If you lost money as a result of being unable to work for a length of time due to the accident, you are entitled to compensation.
If a loved one died as a result of the accident, you are entitled to compensation to pay funeral expenses and loss of companionship.
You may be eligible for financial compensation if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Florida. Almost every motorbike accident is caused by one or both drivers making a mistake on the road. When drivers fail to exercise the same level of care and caution as a normal driver, they are accountable for any injuries or property damage.
Our motorcycle accident lawyers at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nooney have handled a vast variety of motorcycle accident situations. We work as a team to help you through the process and manage all the complexity of your individual circumstance, unlike other law firms. Our firm is varied and extremely talented. On many occasions, our dedication has resulted in very generous settlements and judgments. Remember, there is no charge for hiring us. We work on a contingency basis, meaning we aren't paid unless you are. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced and aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys!