Have you been assaulted, robbed, or mugged while at a Florida commercial business, apartment
complex, or hotel? Most violent attacks can leave you emotionally traumatized as well physically
injured and struggling to cope with your injuries. You may have post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), not be able to work, and facing unexpected medical bills.
You may be entitled to seek compensation from the commercial property owner or manager for
failing to provide adequate security. You should talk with a knowledgeable Jacksonville premise
liability lawyer who will meet with you free of charge and provide trusted guidance.
The attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki can help you seek compensation for your
injuries if you were a victim of a crime caused by a property owner’s failure to provide adequate
security. Our Jacksonville premises liability attorneys have decades of experience representing
personal injury victims. One of our firm's practice areas is cases involving negligent security. If
you believe that a property owners’ failure to provide adequate security caused you or your loved
one to be harmed by criminals, please call a premise liability attorney for help. We take a
personalized approach to each and every one of our client’s cases. We will take the time to
answer your questions, and together we will figure out whether you have a case.
Can You Sue a Business for Assault Due to Negligent Security?
In Florida, commercial property owners have a legal responsibility to maintain property
reasonably safe to guard against foreseeable crimes. That includes providing adequate lighting,
replacing broken windows and doors, installing proper locks, controlling access to keys, having
appropriate security personnel, and having adequate overnight security in convenience stores to
guard against preventable crimes.
Note: If a property owner or business owner fails to take adequate security measures to protect
visitors and you were robbed, attacked, or sexually assaulted as a result, you may hold the
property owner or business accountable for your injuries under certain circumstances.
Florida commercial property owners are not always liable when a crime occurs on their
premises. Each negligent security case depends on the specific facts of the crime, whether it was
foreseeable, and the relationship of the crime victim to the property owner such as a customer or
business owner.
The owners of convenience stores must have security measures in place during the nighttime
hours to protect customers and employees from being victims of crime. These include
installation of security cameras and specific light requirements for parking lots. A convenience
store owner may be liable for your injuries if the property owner failed to put in place security
measures required by the State of Florida
Our experienced Jacksonville premise liability attorneys can review the details of your injury
during a free consultation, answer your questions and explain your legal options. That will allow
you to make a well-informed decision about how to move forward. Filing a negligent security
lawsuit may focus needed attention on a serious security issue in a high crime area and prevent
others from being victims of crime.
How Can a Jacksonville Attorney Help?
Premises liability is a complex area of Florida law. Our experienced team of attorneys will
investigate how your injury occurred and determine whether the property owner or business had
a legal duty to provide for your safety. For example, were you a guest staying at a hotel or a
renter at an apartment complex? Commercial businesses are responsible for checking for any
unsafe conditions and fixing them or providing adequate warning of the hazards if they cannot be
fixed promptly.
If in the unfortunate case that you are injured in a commercial business, you should report the
incident to the business owner or property manager and seek prompt medical attention for your
injuries. After the emergency is over, please call our office at (904) 398-1992 to schedule a free
consultation with one of our many experienced premise liability lawyers at Nooney, Roberts,
Hewett & Nowicki.
Previous criminal activity at a property can be an important consideration in a negligent security
claim. Our legal team will investigate whether similar violent crimes have been reported to
police or business management at or near the same location. If we find reports of other
muggings, rapes, assaults, or other crimes, that underscores that the commercial property owner
should have been aware of the lack of security and the need to take more measures to enhance
security to protect visitors.
Our attorneys will gather evidence to show that the property owners failed to take adequate
security measures that would have prevented the crime. We will move promptly to document the
scene of the crime before the property owner makes repairs; hence, the urgency in calling our
office as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You may be contacted by an insurance adjuster representing the
business where the crime occurred and offered a quick settlement. The adjuster may seem
friendly and concerned about your injuries. But the adjuster is working for the insurance
company to limit its liability. You should never sign anything presented by the insurance adjuster
or give a recorded statement until you have talked with a knowledgeable lawyer. Let our
experienced premises liability lawyer represent you in negotiations with the insurance company.
Through a premises liability lawsuit, you may recover compensation for your medical bills
including treatment for post-traumatic stress, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity if your
injuries limit your ability to return to work. You may also seek compensation for non-economic damages for pain and suffering. If you lost a loved one because of the crime caused by inadequate security, you and your family members may recover compensation for the victim’s medical and funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and more.
Florida requires that you file a personal injury lawsuit within four years of a crime (the time
frame is often referred to as “statute of limitations”). You have two years to file a wrongful death
claim based on a family member’s death.
Our Team of Florida Premise Liability Attorneys Can Help You
One of our highly experienced premise liabilities attorneys at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett &
Nowicki can assess whether you have a valid negligent security case. We will answer your
questions and once you hire us, we will guide you through this complicated process. Do not go
through it alone. Let us apply our years of representing injury victims and litigation experience to
help you pursue the compensation you rightfully deserve. Here at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett &
Nowicki, we give you small firm attention while providing you with big firm results.
Call our office at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a fast and convenient form to schedule a free initial
consultation today!