On the loose, dangerous dogs pose a menace to everyone, from small children to adults. Fortunately, dog owners in Jacksonville, Florida, may be held liable for their dogs' activities if they damage others. A Jacksonville dog bite attorney can provide you with a free consultation on your potential dog bite injury claim. Dog owners are held accountable for unprovoked dog bites and assaults under strict liability legislation.
If you or someone you love has been gravely hurt as a result of a dog bite or assault, you may be entitled to sue the dog's owner for monetary damages. This might include compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and other losses incurred as a result of a dog attack. If you have been wounded by a dog bite or dog attack, an experienced Jacksonville dog bite injury lawyer knows how to defend your rights and is your best alternative.
We deal with dog bite insurance claims all of the time at Nooney, Roberts, Hewett & Nowicki. We can help you collect the compensation you deserve if you have been bitten by a dog of any severity. If you reside in Jacksonville or anywhere else in Florida and have been hurt by a dog bite, please call us for a free consultation at (904) 398-1992.
A dog's violent bite might result in significant harm. A victim of a dog attack may receive many bites. These attacks can result in a variety of injuries, all of which can have a significant impact on the victim's life and result in costly medical expenditures. These are some of them:
Dog bite liability regulations are strict, which implies that even if the dog has never been hostile before, the owner is accountable for the assault. For help with a potential dog bite injury claim, contact our Sarasota dog bite attorneys right now.
In the state of Florida, Florida Statute 767.04 specifies when a dog owner is responsible for dog bite injuries. Even if the dog bites someone for the first time, the dog owner may be held liable. This is true whether the dog attack takes place on public property or on the property of the dog owner. Only a few scenarios exist in which the dog owner is not entirely responsible for a dog bite injury:
In most circumstances, when a dog attacks someone on public property in Florida and causes an injury, the dog's owner is held accountable. If you have been gravely hurt in a dog attack, it is critical to have an experienced Sarasota dog bite lawyer working on your case. Your right to compensation for your pain and suffering will be fought for by a Sarasota personal injury lawyer. Requesting a free consultation is the first step in the process.
According to Florida Statute 95.11, victims must file dog bite claims and lawsuits within four years of the date the dog bite victim suffered the injuries. With a few exceptions, a dog bite victim in Florida who does not contact a personal injury attorney or file a lawsuit within that time period would lose his or her ability to sue permanently. Before it's too late, contact an attorney for a free consultation.
What to Do After You Have Been Bit by a Dog
Identify the dog's owner or the person who had control of the dog at the time it attacked you. Obtain the names and addresses of the individuals. Obtain the names and addresses of the people involved, as well as confirmation of rabies vaccination. If you are unable to receive this information, you may be compelled to take a series of costly rabies vaccines.
Contact first responders (9-1-1) for immediate medical help, or have someone drive you to emergency care, depending on the severity of the bite. After being bitten or assaulted, always seek competent medical help.
Even if the damage was minor, submit a report with the appropriate city or county authorities once you've been medically treated. According to DogsBite.org, legally recording your case also aids the next victim who may be bitten or assaulted by the same dog. Authorities cannot effectively enforce without a paper trail.
Even if you have to unwrap your gauze, take images of your injuries. If needed, consult a doctor or nurse. They will advise you on how to do so safely. It's also a good idea to take pictures of the attack site, as well as any of your wounds, including bruises, and any ripped or bloodied clothes. These might be used by your lawyer to bolster your case.
Find out more about the dog and its owner after you've identified them. Obtain the pet's license information as well as any past history data. Before attacking you, has the animal bitten or assaulted another person or animal? Is the dog officially classified as "possibly dangerous" or "dangerous" by Jacksonville authorities? These are crucial facts to establish for each case that your attorney will be handling.
If you want to pursue medical compensation for your accident, you should start keeping a record as soon as possible. For the first several weeks following the assault, set aside some time each day to write down your thoughts. It is not uncommon for a lawsuit to take many years to resolve. Expect to keep this notebook every week throughout this period; your lawyer will find it extremely helpful in your case.
For a free consultation, contact an attorney right immediately. Legal concerns involving dog attacks are usually complicated and difficult to handle. Apart from the medical specialist who cures your injuries, your lawyer is the only person who will watch out for your best interests from this point forward. Before you start with a lawsuit, you should always be granted a free consultation in the first place.
Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience that apply to your case. We'll make sure your legal rights to fair compensation are protected. These rights include being fairly compensated for injuries, pain and suffering, and more.
If you have been involved in a dog bite, don’t wait another day! Contact us immediately for a free consultation and let one of our experienced dog bites lawyers guide you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation. Call us at (904) 398-1992 or fill out a brief form to schedule a free initial consultation today with our experienced dog bite attorneys!